Black - Conventional dates & lists
Purple - New Chronology
King List
Predynastic Nekhen
1 | Har Sekah |
2 | Har Khaya |
3 | Har Teyew |
4 | Har Tjesh |
5 | Har Neheb |
6 | Har Waznez |
7 | Har Mekh |
1 | Har Sarek | 2830 | 2815 | |||
Horus "Scorpion" |
2 | Har Sekhen | 2815 | 2810 | |
Horus Zekhen?/Ka? |
1st king buried at Abydos |
3 | Har Irihar | 2810 | 2800 | |
Horus Ro |
Abydos tomb B 1+2 |
4 | Har Ka | 2800 | 2785 | |
Horus Narmer |
"Catfish" |
5 | Har Narmer | 2785 | 2770 |
Horus Aha |
Meni |
3050-3016 |
1 | Har Aha Mena | 2770 | 2755 | |
Horus Djer |
Iti |
3016-2970 |
2 | Har Ateti | 2755 | 2740 | |
Horus Wadji |
Iterti? |
2970-2963 |
3 | Har Ati Zer | 2740 | 2725 | |
Horus Dewen |
Khasti/Zemti? |
2963-2949 |
4 | Har Wazi Zeti | 2725 | 2710 | |
5 | Har Den Kenty | 2710 | 2695 | ||||
Horus Andjib |
Merpibia? |
2949-2897 |
6 | Har Azib Merbiapen | 2695 | 2685 | |
Horus Semerkhet |
Iri-Nebti |
2897-2889 |
7 | Har Semerkhet Semsem | 2685 | 2675 | |
Horus Qa'a |
Qa'a-Nebti |
2889-2859 |
8 | Har Kaa Kebeh | 2675 | 2670 | |
Horus Ba? |
(seq uncertain) |
Horus Seneferka |
(seq uncertain) |
2859-2857 |
Horus [. . .] |
(seq uncertain) |
Horus Hetepsekhemwy |
Hetep-Nebty |
2857 |
- |
1 | Har Hetepsekhemui Bezau | 2670 | 2662 | |
Horus Nebre |
- |
2815 |
2 | Har Nebre Kakau | 2662 | 2647 | |
Horus Ninetjer |
Ninetjer-Nebty |
2815 |
- |
2778 |
3 | Har Binetjer | 2647 | 2637 | |
Horus Weneg? |
Weneg-Nebty |
2778 |
- |
2772 |
4 | Har Wenegnebti Waznes | 2637 | 2632 | |
Sened |
2772 |
- |
5 | Set Peribsen Senez | 2632 | 2624 | |
Nubnefer |
- |
2751 |
6 | Neferkare | 2624 | 2619 | |
Seth Peribsen |
2751 |
- |
2743 |
7 | Neferkasokar | 2619 | 2611 | |
Horus Sekhemib (-perenma'at) |
2743 |
- |
2732 |
8 | Huzefa I | 2611 | 2600 | |
Horus Khasekhem |
same as next king |
9 | Set Khasekhemwy Bebty | 2600 | 2573 | |
Horus-Seth Khasekhemwy |
(hetep-netjerwyimef) |
2732 |
- |
2705 |
Horus Nekhtza (Za) [1st Dyn III] |
Nebka I [1st Dyn' III] | 2705 | - | 2687 | 10 | Nebka | 2573 | 2554 |
Horus Nekhtza (Za) |
Nebka I |
2705-2687 |
Horus Netjerikhet |
(Djoser) |
2687-2667 |
1 | Netjerikhet Zoser | 2554 | 2535 | |
Horus Sekhemkhet |
(Djeser-Teti) |
2667-2660 |
2 | Zoser Teti | 2535 | 2529 | |
Horus Khaba |
2660-2654 |
3 | Huzefa II | 2529 | 2523 | |
Horus Qahedjet |
Huni |
2654-2630 |
4 | Huni | 2523 | 2499 |
Snefru |
2630-2606 |
1 | Sneferu | 2499 | 2475 | |
(Khnum-)Khufwi |
(Khufu/Cheops) |
2606-2583 |
2 | Khufu | 2475 | 2452 | |
Radjedef |
(Djedefre) |
2583-2575 |
3 | Djedefre | 2452 | 2444 | |
Khafre |
(Chephren) |
2575-2550 |
4 | Khafre | 2444 | 2419 | |
Nebka II |
2550-2548 |
5 | Bakare | 2419 | 2413 | |
Menkaure |
(Mycerinus) |
2548-2530 |
6 | Menkaure | 2413 | 2395 | |
Shepseskaf |
2530-2526 |
7 | Shepseskaef | 2395 | 2391 | |
[Interregnum] |
2526-2524 |
8 | Hardjedef | 2391 | 2389 |
Userkaf |
2524-2517 |
1 | Usekaf | 2389 | 2382 | |
Sahure |
2517-2505 |
2 | Sahure | 2382 | 2370 | |
Neferirkare I Kakai |
2505-2495 |
3 | Neferirkare | 2370 | 2360 | |
Shepseskare Izi? |
2495-2488 |
4 | Shepseskare | 2360 | 2353 | |
Neferefre |
(Raneferef?) |
2488-2477 |
5 | Neferefre | 2353 | 2350 | |
Niuserre Ini |
2477-2466 |
6 | Niuserre | 2350 | 2339 | |
Menkauhor Ikauhor |
2466-2458 |
7 | Menkauhor | 2339 | 2331 | |
Djedkare Izezi |
2458-2430 |
8 | Izezi | 2331 | 2303 | |
Unis |
2430-2400 |
9 | Unas | 2303 | 2273 |
Teti |
2400 |
- |
2390 |
1 | Teti I | 2273 | 2243 | |
Pepi I |
2390 |
- |
2 | ||||
Userkare |
(usurper?) |
- |
2382 |
3 | Userkare | 2243 | 2228 | |
Pepi I |
(again!) |
2382 |
- |
2361 |
4 | Pepi I | 2228 | 2175 | |
Mernere I Nemtyemzaf |
2361 |
- |
2355 |
5 | Merenre I | 2175 | 2168 | |
Pepi II |
2355 |
- |
2261 |
6 | Pepi II | 2168 | 2074 | |
Mernere II Nemtyemzaf |
2261 |
- |
2260 |
7 | Merenre II | 2074 | 2073 | |
Queen Nitocris |
2260 |
- |
2250? |
8 | Nitokerty | 2073 | 2061 |
Six kings, the last 4 of which are known from contemporary sources:
. . . . |
Qakare Ibi |
2222-2220 |
Neferkaure |
(= Imhotep?) |
2220-2216 |
Neferkauhor Kapuibi |
(= Iti?) |
2216-2214 |
Neferirkare II |
2214-2213 |
The attribution of the nomens Imhotep and Iti
(from graffiti in the Wadi Hammamat)
is very uncertain. Neferkaure is
generally identified with Horus Kha[bau?] and
Neferirkare II with
Horus Demedjibtawy of the Coptus Decrees, but this is uncertain.
Horus Netjeribau definitely is Neferkauhor.
Dynasty X in NC | ||||||||||
Meryibre Akhtoy |
(the 1st or 2nd king?) |
2213 |
- |
1 | [Meryibre | Khety I | 2018 | 1973 | |
2 | [lost] | 1973 | 1968 | |||||||
Neferkare V |
(= the 3rd king) |
ca. 2185 |
- |
3 | Neferkare | [unknown] | 1968 | 1953 | |
- |
2175 | |||||||||
4 | [unknown] | Khety II | 1953 | 1943 | ||||||
5 | [unknown] | Senen[...] | 1943 | 1938 | ||||||
6 | [lost] | 1938 | 1933 | |||||||
7 | Mery[hathor] | Khety III | 1933 | 1925 | ||||||
8 | [unknown] | Shed[...] | 1925 | 1919 | ||||||
9 | [unknown] | H[...] | 1919 | 1914 | ||||||
10 | [lost] | 1914 | 1904 | |||||||
11 | [lost] | 1904 | 1899 | |||||||
12 | [lost] | 1899 | 1892 | |||||||
13 | [lost] | 1892 | 1886 | |||||||
14 | [lost] | 1886 | 1882 | |||||||
15 | [lost] | 1882 | 1876 | |||||||
Dynasty X: ca. 2175-ca. 2035 Fourteen Heracleopolitans who ruled the north and fought the Thebans of contemporary Dynasty XI until defeated by Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II between 2047 and 2022. Six kings are attested in contemporary sources: |
ca. 2175 |
Nebkaure Akhtoy |
(father of Merikare?) |
16 | Nebkaure | 1876 | 1847 | ||||
Merikare |
(contemporary with latter |
ca. 2075 |
17 | Merykare | Khety IV | 1847 | 1837 | |||
18 | [lost] | [unknown] | 1837 | 1833 | ||||||
part of reign of Wahankh Inyotef I |
Meri[. . .]re Akhtoy |
(different from "Merihathor" founder of Dynasty X) |
Wahkare Akhtoy |
Khui |
(on a fragment from Dara) |
Iytjenu |
(part of a Dyn. X personal name from Saqqara) |
In many traditional chronologies, Theban Dynasty XI is
included in the
Middle Kingdom, not the First Intermediate Period. However, in
recent times
this notion has been revised among certain Egyptologists. The
dynasty existed
about 143 years, of which 99 years were spent in a state of
civil war with the
kingdom divided and only 44 years with the kingdom united in
relative peace.
Importantly, those final 44 years were a period of political
consolidation and
nation-building, which only came to fruition at the beginning
of Dynasty XII.
It is unjustifiable then to consider Dynasty XI as the start of
the Middle Kingdom.
Horus Tepi-'o |
Mentuhotep I |
2134 |
- |
Horus Sehertawy |
Inyotef I |
- |
2118 |
Horus Wahankh |
Inyotef II |
2118 |
- |
2069 |
Horus Nekhtnebtepnefer |
Inyotef III |
2069 |
- |
2061 |
Horus Sankhibtawy |
Horus Daikhasut |
Mentuhotep II |
Horus Nebhedjet |
Nebhepetre [same] |
Mentuhotep II |
2061 |
- |
2010 |
Horus Sematawy |
Nebhepetre [same] | Mentuhotep II | |||||||||
Sankhkare |
Mentuhotep III |
2010 |
- |
1998 |
Qakare Inyotef IV |
(sequence uncertain) |
Iyibre-Khent |
(sequence uncertain) |
Nebtawyre |
Mentuhotep IV |
- |
1991 |
Amenemhat I |
1991-1962 |
1 | Amenemhat I | 1803 | 1774 | ||
Senwosret I |
1971-1928 |
2 | Senuseret I | 1774 | 1730 | ||
Amenemhat II |
1929-1895 |
3 | Amenemhat II | 1745 | 1712 | ||
Senwosret II |
1897-1878 |
4 | Senuseret II | 1716 | 1698 | ||
Senwosret III |
1878-1842 |
5 | Senuseret III | 1698 | 1660 | ||
Amenemhat III |
1842-1794 |
6 | Amenemhat III | 1678 | 1634 | ||
Amenemhat IV |
1797-1788 |
7 | Amenemhat IV | 1649 | 1641 | ||
Queen Sebeknefru |
1788-1784 |
8 | Neferusobek | 1635 | 1632 |
At least 65 kings who ruled over all of Egypt for 116
years until about 1720
when they lost the Delta to invading Asiatics. The
political capital was at
Itjy-tawy, and the dynasty was recognized in the far
south as late as ca. 1675.
Only Neferhotep I, his son Sihathor and
Neferhotep's brother, Sebekhotep IV,
were related by blood. Some kings
were of lower-class or even foreign origin.
Only kings attested in contemporary
records are listed here.
Khutawyre Wegaf |
1784 |
- |
1782 |
1 | Wegaf | 1632 | 1629 | ||
Sekhemkare Amenemhat-sunebef |
1782 |
- |
2 | Sekhemkare | 1629 | 1617 | ||
Sekhemre-khutawy |
(Pentjini?) |
- |
1772 |
3 | interregnum | 1616 | 1611 | ||
Sekhemkare Amenemhat V |
1772 |
- |
1770 |
4 | Amenemhat V | 1611 | 1608 | ||
Sehetepibre |
1770 |
- |
1769 |
5 | Sehetepibre | 1608 | 1605 | ||
6 | Iufni | 1605 | 1602 | |||||||
Sankhibre Ameni-Inyotef Amenemhat VI |
1769 |
- |
7 | Sankhibre | 1602 | 1597 | ||
8 | Smenkhare | 1597 | 1594 | |||||||
Hetepibre Qemau-si-Harnedj-heryotef |
9 | Sehetepibre | 1594 | 1590 | ||
10 | Sewadjkare | 1590 | 1586 | |||||||
11 | Nedjem[...]ibre | 1586 | 1582 | |||||||
[. . .] Ameni-Qemau |
[. . .] Khuyoqer |
Kha'ankhre Sebekhotep I |
- |
1764 |
12 | Sobekhotepre | 1582 | 1580 | ||
13 | Reseneb | 1580 | 1579 | |||||||
Awybre Hor I |
1764 |
- |
14 | Hor | 1579 | 1574 | ||
Sedjefakare Kay Amenemhat VII |
15 | Sedjef[...]kare | 1574 | 1572 | ||
Sekhemre-khutawy Sebekhotep II |
16 | Sobekhotep II | 1572 | 1568 | ||
Userkare |
Nimaatre-khaenre Khendjer |
(Asiatic King "Pig") |
17 | Khendjer | 1568 | 1558 | ||
Smenekhkare Mermesha |
18 | Mermesha | 1558 | 1550 | ||
19 | Inyotef | 1550 | 1548 | |||||||
20 | [...]set | 1548 | 1545 | |||||||
Nerkare [. . .] |
- |
1754 |
Sekhemre-sewadjtawy Sebekhotep III |
1754 |
- |
1751 |
21 | Sobekhotep III | 1545 | 1543 | ||
Khasekhemre Neferhotep I |
1751 |
- |
1740 |
22 | Neferhotep I | 1543 | 1533 | ||
Khakare? Sihathor |
1740 |
23 | Sihathor | 1533 | 1532 | ||
Khaneferre Sebekhotep IV |
1740 |
- |
1730 |
24 | Sobekhotep IV | 1532 | 1508 | ||
25 | [lost] | 1508 | 1506 | |||||||
26 | [lost] | 1506 | 1504 | |||||||
27 | Sobekhotep V | 1504 | 1500 | |||||||
Wahibre Ibya |
1725 |
- |
1714 |
28 | Iayib | 1500 | 1490 | ||
Merneferre Iy |
("Ay") |
1714 |
- |
1700 |
29 | Ay | 1490 | 1467 | ||
Merhetepre Sebekhotep VI |
1700 |
- |
1698 |
30 | Sobekhotep VI | 1467 | 1466 | ||
Mersekhemre Neferhotep II |
1698 |
- |
31 | Sankhnesewadjtu | 1466 | 1464 | |||||||
32 | Ined | 1464 | 1462 | |||||||
33 | Hori | 1462 | 1457 | |||||||
Merkaure Sebekhotep VII |
1693 |
- |
34 | Sobekhotep VII | 1457 | 1456 | ||
35 | [lost] | 1456 | 1454 | |||||||
36 | [lost] | 1454 | 1453 | |||||
37 | [lost] | 1453 | 1451 | |||||||
38 | [lost] | 1451 | 1450 | |||||||
Seneferibre Senwosret IV |
Merankhrek Mentuhotep V |
Djedankhre Mentuemsaf |
Djedhetepre |
Djedneferre |
(Dedumose?) | 39 | Dudimose | 1450 | 1446 | |||||
40 | Ibi | 1446 | 1443 | |||||||
41 | [...]webenre | 1443 | 1439 | |||||||
Sewahenre Senebmiu |
Date ? | |||||||||
Sekhemre-sankhtawy Neferhotep III |
Date ? | |||||||||
Sekhemre-seusertawy Sebekhotep VIII |
Date ? | |||||||||
Mershepesre Ini |
Date ? | |||||||||
[. . .] Mentuwoser |
Date ? | |||||||||
Menkhaure Sena'aib |
Date ? | |||||||||
Sekhemre-neferkhau Wepwawetemsaf |
Date ? |
Nehesi |
ca. 1720 |
The other kings names are recorded in subsequent
Egyptian lists.
Reliable dates cannot be established for them. Was Dynasty XIV
catch-all for a number of small Delta principalities?
Khatire |
Sekhem[...]re |
Shemsi |
Nebfawre |
Kakemure |
Meni[...] |
Sehabre |
Neferibre |
Werqa |
Merdjefare |
Kha[...]re |
[...]kare |
Sewadjkare |
Aakare |
[...]kare |
Nebdjefare |
Semen[...]re |
[...]kare Hap[...] |
Webenre |
Djed[...]re |
[...]kare [...]nat |
[...]djefare |
Senefer[...]re |
[...]kare Bebenmi |
[...]webenre |
Menibre |
Seth |
Awibre |
Djed[...]re |
Sainu |
Heribre |
Inek[...] |
Hor |
Nebsenre |
Aa[...] |
Enibef |
Sekheperenre |
Ap[...] |
Kherhemwat |
Djedkherure |
Hibi |
Khuhemwat |
Sankhibre |
Aped |
Mare Sebekhotep IX |
Nefertemkare |
Hapi |
The Hyksos--invaders of apparent North Syrian origin and
arriving from
Palestine--established their capital at Avaris and maintained
direct rule
over much of northern Egypt and loose suzerainty over Asiatic and
Egyptian vassals (including the Thebans of most of Dynasty XVII) in the
rest of
the country. Earlier rulers identified in later lists and
un-dateable scarabs
Sekhaenre Shalik |
= Salitis |
Maibre Sheshy |
= Beon |
Meruserenre Yacobher |
= Apakhnas |
The following Hyksos rulers are attested on contemporary monuments:
Seweserenre Khayan |
Iannas |
1630-1610 |
Aaqenenre (early) |
} Apopi |
1610-1569 |
Aauserre (later) |
Nebkhepeshre |
(same as previous king?) |
Aasehre? |
Khamudi |
1569-1560 |
Saket |
Aahetepre |
Seneferankhre Apopi |
Wadjed |
Yakboam |
Anathher |
Qar |
Yoam |
Semqen |
Niraka |
'Am |
Useranath |
Nubuserre |
Yakbaal |
Nebmaatre |
Khauserre |
Nubankhre |
Nubkheperre Inyotef V |
1668 |
- |
1663 |
1 | Shalek | 1298 | 1279 | ||
Sekhemre-wahkhau Rahotep |
1663 |
- |
1660 |
2 | Bebnem | 1279 | 1255 | ||
Sekhemre-wadjkhau Sebekemsaf I |
1660 |
- |
1644 |
3 | Khyan | 1255 | 1226 | ||
Sekhemre-sementawy Djehuti |
1644 |
- |
1643 |
4 | Yanassi | 1226 | 1209 | ||
Sankhenre Mentuhotep VI |
1643 |
- |
1642 |
5 | Auserre Apopi | 1209 | 1195 | ||
Sewadjenre Nebiryerau I |
1642 |
- |
1623 |
6 | Asherre Khamudy | 1195 | 1192 | ||
Neferkare Nebiryerau II |
1623 |
Seweserenre Senwosret V |
1622 |
- |
1610 |
Sekhemre-shedtawy Sebekemsaf II |
1610 |
- |
1601 |
Sekhemre-wepma'at Inyotef VI |
1601 |
- |
1596 |
Sekhemre-herherma'at Inyotef VII |
1596 |
Senekhtenre Ta'o (Djehuti'o) I |
1596 |
- |
1591 |
Seqenenre Ta'o (Djehuti'o) II |
1591 |
- |
1576 |
Wadjkheperre Kamose |
1576 |
- |
1570 |
Ahmose I |
1570-1546 |
1 | Ahmose | 1202 | 1178 | ||
Amenhotep I |
1551-1524 |
2 | Amenhotep I | 1178 | 1158 | ||
Tuthmosis I |
1524-1518 |
3 | Thutmose I | 1158 | 1146 | ||
Tuthmosis II |
1518-1504 |
4 | Thutmose II | 1146 | 1134 | ||
Tuthmosis III |
1504-1450 |
5 | Hatshepsut | 1134 | 1113 | ||
Queen Hatshepsut |
1503/1498-1483 |
6 | Thutmose III | 1134 | 1082 | ||
Amenhotep II |
1453-1419 |
7 | Amenhotep II | 1087 | 1057 | ||
Tuthmosis IV |
1419-1386 |
8 | Thutmose IV | 1057 | 1048 | ||
Amenhotep III |
1386-1349 |
9 | Amenhotep III | Orus | 1048 | 1012 | |
Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten |
1350-1334 |
10 | Akhenaten | Cencheres | 1023 | 1007 | |
Smenkhkare |
1336-1334 |
11 | Neferneferuaten | Achencheres | 1011 | 1000 | |||
Tutankhaten/Tutankhamun |
1334-1325 |
12 | Tutankhamun | Rathotis | 1007 | 998 | |
Ay |
1325-1321 |
13 | Ay | Acheres II | 998 | 987 | |
Horemheb |
1321-1293 |
14 | Haremhab | Harmais | 990 | 962 |
Ramesses I |
1293-1291 |
1 | Menpehtire Ramesses | 962 | 961 | |
Seti I |
1291-1279 |
2 | Menmaatre Seti I | 961 | 943 | |
Ramesses II |
1279-1212 |
3 | Usermaatre-setepenre Ramesses II | 943 | 877 | |
Merneptah |
1212-1202 |
4 | Baenre-hotephirmaat Merenptah | 888 | 879 | |
Amenmesse |
1202-1199 |
Seti II |
1199-1193 |
5 | Userkheperure-setepenre Seti II | 879 | 873 | |
6 | Menmire Amenmesse | 877 | 873 | ||||
Ramesses/Merneptah-Siptah |
1193-1187 |
7 | Akhenre-setepenre Siptah | 873 | 868 | |
Queen Tawosret |
1193-1185 |
8 | Sitre-meritamun Tausert | 873 | 866 | |
[Interregnum?] |
Chancellor Bay |
1185 |
DYNASTY XX (A,B & C) | |||||||
Setnakht |
1185-1182 |
1(A) | Userkhaure-meryamun Setnakht | 865 | 859 | |
Ramesses III |
1182-1151 |
1(B) |
Usermaatre-meryamun Ramesses III |
863 | 832 | |
Ramesses IV |
1151-1145 |
2(A) | Hekamaatre-setepenamun Ramesses IV (Dyn A) | 859 | 853 | |
Ramesses V |
(Amenherkhepeshef) |
1145-1141 |
3(A) | Usermaatre-sekheperenre Ramesses V | 853 | 850 | |
Ramesses VI |
(Amenherkhepeshef) |
1141-1134 |
4(A) |
Nebmaatre-meryamun Ramesses VI |
850 | 844 | |
Ramesses VII |
(Setherkhepshef) |
1134 1133 |
5(A) |
Usermaatre-setepenre Ramesses VII |
844 | 838 | |
Ramesses VIII |
(Amenyotef) |
1133-1126 |
6(A) |
Usermaatre-akhenamun Ramesses VIII |
838 | 836 | |
Ramesses IX |
(Khaemwese) |
1126-1108 |
1(C) |
Neferkare-setepenre Ramesses IX |
846 | 828 | |
Ramesses X |
(Amenherkhepeshef) |
1108-1098 |
7(A) | Khepermaatre-setepenre Ramesses X | 836 | 832 | |
2(B) |
Usermaatre-setepenptah Ramesses IV (B) |
832 | 830 | ||||
Ramesses XI |
(Khaemwese) |
1098-1070 |
2(C) |
Menmaatre-setepenamun Ramesses XI |
828 | 801 | |
Era of "Repeating |
1080-1070 |
Smendes |
(Nisubanebdjed) |
1070-1044 |
1 | Smendes | 842 | 817 | ||
Neferkare Amenemnisu |
1044-1040 |
Psusennes I |
1040-992 |
2 | Tjetkheperure Psusennes I | 817 | 769 | ||
Amenemope |
994-985 |
3 | Amenemopet | 773 | 765 | ||
4 | Amenemnisu | 769 | 766 | |||||
Aakheperre Osochor |
985-979 |
5 |
Usermaatre Osorkon II |
Osochor | 765 | 760 | ||||
Siamon |
979-960 |
Psusennes II |
(see also below) |
960-946 |
6 |
Akheperre Psusennes II |
Psinaches | 765 | 752 | |
7 | Psusennes III | 752 | 739 | |||||
8 | Iuput I | 739 | 701 | |||||
9 |
Akheperre Shoshenk VI |
700 | 644 |
(b) Rulers in Thebes (HP = High Priest of Amun; K =
1 | Herihor | ||||||||
Pinodjem I |
HP |
1070-1055 |
2 | Pinudjem | ||||
K |
1055-1032 |
3 | Siamun | ||||||||
Masahart |
HP |
1055-1047 |
Djedkhonsefankh |
HP |
1047-1046 |
Menkheperre |
HP |
1046-993 |
Smendes I |
HP |
993-991 |
Pinodjem II |
HP |
991-970 |
Psusennes |
(later he is a king |
HP |
970-946 |
4 |
Akheperre Psusennes II |
in Tanis = Psusennes II) |
K |
960-946 |
5 |
Hekaheperre-setepenre Shoshenk II |
6 | Hedjkheperre-setepenamun Hariese | ||||||||
7 | Usermaatre Pedubast I | ||||||||
8 | Usermaatre Osorkon III | ||||||||
9 | Usermaatre Takelot III | ||||||||
10 | Usermaatre-setepenamun Rudamun | ||||||||
11 |
Usermaatre Osorkon IV |
Shoshenq I |
946 |
- |
916 |
1 | Hedjkheppere-setepenre Shoshenk I | 822 | |||
Osorkon I |
916 |
- |
904 |
2 |
Sekhemkheperre-setepenre Osorkon I |
802 | |||
Shoshenq II |
904 |
Takelot I |
904 |
- |
890 |
3 | Hedjkheperre-setepenre Takelot I | 788 | |||
Osorkon II |
890 |
- |
860 |
4 | Usermaatre-setepenamun Osorkon II | 784 | |||
Takelot II |
860 |
- |
835 |
5 | Hedjkheperre Takelot II | 760 | |||
Shoshenq III |
835 |
- |
783 |
6 | Usermaatre-setepenre Shoshenk III | 758 | |||
Pami |
783 |
- |
773 |
7 | Hedjkheperre Shoshenk IV | 719 | ||||||||
Aakheperre Shoshenq V |
773 |
- |
735 |
8 | Usermaatre-meryamun Shohshenk V | 711 | |||
Aakheperre Osorkon IV |
735 |
- |
712 |
9 | Usermaatre-setepenre Pimay | 706 |
High Priests of Amun at Thebes
In a unique power-sharing arrangement between the royal
and the temple hierarchy, the High Priests of Amun were often
from among the royal princes of Dynasties XXI and XXII
(until the
Thebans established their own Dynasty XXIII in 828).
The high priests were the
virtual rulers of Thebes, usually autonomous
of the royal government in the
Delta. While many high priests took
on the outward trappings of kingship, most
apparently recognized
the Egyptian king as a nominal overlord; (n.b., "s." =
"son of"):
Yuput (s. Shoshenq I) |
HP |
946 |
- |
910 |
Shoshenq (s. Osorkon I) |
HP |
910 |
- |
905 |
Ewelot (s. Osorkon I) |
HP |
905 |
- |
898 |
Smendes II (s. Osorkon I) |
HP |
898 |
- |
885 |
Harsiese I (s. HP Shoshenq) |
HP |
885 |
- |
875 |
K |
875 |
- |
870 |
[. . .di. . .] (s. HP/K Harsie) |
HP |
875 |
- |
870 |
Nimlot (s. Osorkon II) |
HP |
870 |
- |
862 |
Takelot (s. HP Nimlot) - |
HP |
862 |
- |
850 |
Osorkon (s. Takelot II) |
HP |
850 |
- |
835 |
Harsiese II (s. [. . .di. . .]?) |
HP |
835 |
- |
816 |
Osorkon |
(again; intermittently at |
Thebes; permanently at El Hiba) |
HP |
816 |
- |
797/87 |
In its earlier years, this dynasty held Thebes only
intermittently and
presumably had a safer headquarters to the south; after 787,
Dynasty XXII is no longer attested at Thebes. See HP, below, for details.
By the
time of Osorkon III, this dynasty ruled as far north as Heracleopolis.
Pedubast I |
828-803 |
Userma'atre-Miamon Shoshenq IV |
803-797 |
Osorkon III |
797-767 |
Takelot III |
(formerly HP) |
771-767 |
Amenrud |
767-? |
The High Priests of Amun of this dynasty were:
Harsiese II |
(again) |
HP |
811-808 |
Takelot II |
(same as next priest?) |
HP |
807-797 |
Takelot III (s. Osorkon III) |
(perhaps intermittently |
HP |
797/787-774 |
until death of HP Osorkon) |
Yuput I |
814-790? |
. . . . |
(several rulers?) |
790?-735 |
Yuput II |
ca. 735 |
Thotemhat |
760-735 |
Nimlot |
(more than one by this name?) |
735-665 |
Pedenemty |
(attribution is uncertain) |
Peftjau-auwybast |
740-725 |
"Nakhke" |
(recorded in Akkadian texts only) |
ca. 670 |
Dynasty XXIII (Tanis): 710?-665?
This is Manetho's Dynasty XXIII, which rules at Tanis
between the
end of Dynasty XXII and the rise of Dynasty XXVI under Psammetichus
The following kings attested archaeologically at Tanis seem to belong
to this
group (sequence unknown):
Sekhemkare [. . .] |
Shepseskare-Irnere Gemnefkhonsubak |
Neferkare-Pepi [. . .] |
Sehetepib(en)re Pedubast II |
ca. 665 |
1 | Shepsesre Tefnakht I | 716 | 712 | ||
2 | Wahkare Bakenranef | 710 | 705 |
Nubian kings from Kush contemporary with (and more or
less effective
overlords of) the petty kings of Dynasties XXII-XXIV.
includes only those who were recognized in Memphis;
we add those who were
recognized in Thebes. Kashta's rule in
Nubia might have begun earlier, and that
of Tanwetamani ended
later than the dates indicated here.
1 | Alara | 769 | 750 | |||||||
Kashta |
767 |
- |
753 |
2 | Maatre Kashta | 750 | 721 | ||
Piye |
(formerly called "Piankhy") |
753 |
- |
713 |
3 | Usermaatre Piankhy | 720 | 690 | ||
Shabako |
713 |
- |
698? |
4 | Neferkare Shabaka | 706 | 695 | ||
Shebitku |
698? |
- |
698 |
5 | Djedkaure Shabataka | 698 | 685 | ||
Taharqa |
690 |
- |
664 |
6 | Nefertemkhure Taharka | 690 | 685 | ||
1st Assyrian invasion |
671 |
Tanwetamani |
664 |
- |
656 |
7 | Bakare Tantamani | 664 | 657 | ||
2nd Assyrian invasion |
663 |
1 | Sehetepibenre Pedubast II | 661 | 637 | ||
2 | Osorkon V | 637 | 629 | ||
3 | Psammus | 629 | 620 |
A Libyan dynasty of "Great Chiefs of the West" (abbr.
GCW), some of
whom assumed the title of "King" (abbr. K); contemporary with
Kushite Dynasty XXV. After considerable vicissitudes (including
falling to the Kushites), members of this family finally managed (with
Assyrian help) to
displace the Nubians as rulers of Egypt and develop
into Dynasty XXVI:
Osorkon |
ca. 760 |
- |
740 |
Tefnakhte I |
740 |
- |
718 |
Bocchoris |
K |
718 |
- |
712 |
Tefnakhte II |
GCW (later king--see below) |
712 |
- |
685 |
Tefnakhte II |
685 |
- |
678 |
Nikauba? |
678 |
- |
672 |
Necho I |
killed by Tanwetamani |
672 |
- |
664 |
Psammetichus I |
664 |
- |
610 |
Assyrians abandon Egypt |
653 |
Necho II |
610 |
- |
595 |
Psammetichus II |
595 |
- |
589 |
Wahibre |
("Apries") |
589 |
- |
570 |
Ahmose II |
("Amasis") |
570 |
- |
526 |
Psammetichus III |
526 |
- |
525 |
Cambyses II |
525-522 |
Darius I |
522-486 |
Egyptian revolt: |
Seheribre Pedubast III |
522-520 |
Xerxes I |
486-465 |
Artaxerxes I |
465-424 |
Darius II |
424-405 |
Artaxerxes II |
405-359 |
Certain Egyptian kings ruled sporadically in revolt
during this period; dates uncertain:
In Marea (West of Alexandria):
Psammetichus IV |
Inaros |
(rebel aqainst Artaxerxes I) |
ca 465?-454 |
Thanyras (s. Inaros) |
after 448 |
Psammetichus V |
(perhaps from this region) |
ca. 445 |
Psammetichus VI |
ca. 400? |
In Sais:
Amyrtaios I |
(joined Inaros) |
ca.465-448 |
Pausiris (s. Amyrtaios I) |
after 448 |
Amyrtaios II (s. Pausiris) |
405-399 |
Nepherites I |
399-393 |
Psammuthis |
393 |
Achoris |
393-380 |
Nepherites II |
380 |
Nectanebo I |
381-362 |
Teos (s. Nectanebo I) |
3-year coregency with father |
365-361 |
Nectanebo II |
361-343 |
Artaxerxes III Ochus |
343-338 |
Arses |
338-336 |
Darius III Codomanus |
336-332 |
An Egyptian king (of possibly Nubian origin) briefly
controlled most
of Egypt during the Persian Dynasty XXXI. He was the last native
ruler of ancient Egypt:
Khababash |
338-333 |
Three kings consisting of Alexander the Great, his
half-brother, and
his son--they never resided in Egypt but governed from
Babylon, the
capital of Alexander's Macedonian Empire. Alexander was said to
have been buried in Alexandria, Egypt. In this period, Egypt was directly
administered by the satrap, Ptolemy Lagos, the friend of Alexander
who later
proclaimed himself king of Egypt.
Alexander (III) the Great |
332-323 |
Philip Arrhidaeus |
323-316 |
Alexander IV |
316-304 |
Ptolemy I Soter I |
304 |
- |
284 |
Ptolemy II Philadelphus |
285 |
- |
246 |
Ptolemy III Euergetes I |
246 |
- |
221 |
Ptolemy IV Philopator |
221 |
- |
205 |
Ptolemy V Epiphanes |
205 |
- |
180 |
revolt in Upper Egypt: |
Harwennefer |
205 |
- |
199 |
Ankhwennefer |
199 |
- |
186 |
Ptolemy VI Philometor |
180 |
- |
164 |
Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II |
(jointly, then as userper) |
170 |
- |
163 |
Ptolemy VI Philometor |
(again!) |
163 |
- |
145 |
Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II1 |
(again!) |
145 |
- |
116 |
Ptolemy VII Neos Philopator |
(brief userper) |
145 |
revolt in Thebes: |
Harsiese |
131 |
Q. Cleopatra III & Ptolemy IX Soter II |
116 |
- |
107 |
Q. Cleopatra III & Ptolemy X Alexander I |
107 |
- |
88 |
Ptolemy IX Soter II |
88 |
- |
81 |
Ptolemy XI Alexander II & Q. Cleopatra |
Berenike |
81 |
- |
80 |
Ptolemy XI Alexander II |
80 |
Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysus |
80 |
- |
58 |
Q. Berenike IV |
58 |
- |
55 |
Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysus |
(again!) |
55 |
- |
51 |
Ptolemy XIII & Q. Cleopatra VII |
51 |
- |
47 |
Julius Caesar arrives in Egypt |
48 |
Q. Cleopatra VII |
51 |
- |
30 |
Ptolemy XIV & Q. Cleopatra VII |
47 |
- |
44 |
Ptolemy XV Caesarion & Cleopatra VII |
44 |
- |
30 |